Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Misspelled Signs

This morning as I was perusing the BBC News website, I came across the following headline: Red faces as US road workers misspell 'school' with the following picture:

Road workers were resurfacing some roads near a high school in North Carolina, and when it came time to paint the zoning signs, they didn't get their spelling quite right.  Included in the brief article was a link to other similar signage bloopers submitted by readers.  Much like the now-famous Unnecessary Quotes website, I found our society's (in general) continual inability to spell and punctuate correctly highly amusing and slightly annoying...or maybe it was highly annoying and slightly amusing?  You decide:

1 comment:

Tracie Nall said...

Since the road doesn't come with spell check......I think I should stay out of this.

Of course, if I was writing on the signs you had better bet I would find someone who CAN spell and have them check it out before anything permanent happened!