Friday, August 13, 2010

Would You Like To Know?

So you know how it seems everyone has those themed posts for particular days of the week?  The ones with titles like, "What's on the Menu Mondays" and "Wordless Wednesdays" and "Fanciful Fridays"?  It must be a requirement to employ alliteration when choosing a name.  I've thought about participating in those...but then I feel all odd about it because I'm not a professional blogger or even a very good blogger at that!

However, I kept thinking back to what Tracie mentioned several months ago: she wanted to more about my everyday life.  I'm pretty sure you don't want to know that I ate a whole wheat English muffin with Laughing Cow Sun-Roasted Tomato Mozzarella cheese for breakfast this morning or that I had a brilliantly hopeful meeting about N-648s earlier this week or that my coworker is making me fat by sharing her chocolate bars with me (while she, of course, remains blissfully skinny).  At any rate, I thought it might be fun to at least try to be a better, more consistent blogger who refrains from posting an obscene amount of video clips just to get in a few posts before the end of the month; so I submit to you my idea to ensure you are blessed with the chance to read a post written by me at least once a week (well...okay, in theory...but you get the idea).  It's called Would You Like To Know Wednesday.  I don't plan on making it a big deal, but thought I might as well give it a try...but if enough people tell me this is the most ridiculous idea they've ever heard, I'll give it up...but I kinda like the sound of it.  And yes, I like alliteration; hence, I use it on a regular basis.

Hopefully this endeavor will force me to become a more consistent blogger-which is just what the world needs, I know- but wasn't that one of my goals for the year?  Discipline is a good thing...and a good thing of which I need to learn a great deal more.  Feel free to participate (I'm not doing one of those Mr. Linky things because I have absolutely no idea how and I object to the name 'Mr. Linky' in the first place), and if you have something you would like to know...well, ask me.

PS- Anyone want to take bets on how long I actually keep up with this initiative?


Tracie Nall said...

I like it....the name is cute, the idea is great...and the chance to get to see more of your life is fun!!

On the first paragraph you have going on up there, you don't have to be any level of professional to participate in any of the memes that are out there, you just publish a post, link up, and jump right in! I'm certainly not a professional by any means, but I do them sometimes.

jenny said...

Ahhh...but you are so much more professional than me, my dear. I think people actually read YOUR blog!!! :)