But we're still in August now, and so here is the monthly goals update:
Become a faithful member of the 5 am club. Honestly, I haven't sleep very well this month. Even if I go to bed early, I have trouble getting up in the morning. My dreams have been really intense; they haven't necessarily been scary, but when you wake up in the morning and can tell your husband that you and Desmond from Lost were on an RV road trip together whilst trying to escape from bad people and that you finally were safe when Desmond backed the RV into an elevator...well, obviously something is up with my REM cycle.
Memorize 52 verses. Yeah, the hubs and I are going to work on the James goal, but we did memorize Colossians 3:23 with our community group. I like those short verses.
Memorize (the first half) of the book of James. We're working on verses five-eight right now and will hopefully be adding the next few. Isaac and I are trying to get into a good routine, especially since his summer is officially over now...but since his summer is over now, I never really see him because he's at class when I'm at work, and then he's at work when I get home. Seriously, I took part of a personal day last Friday just so I could see the boy. Hopefully we'll get ourselves figured out soon.
Continue in the SWI program. Our first class was last week, and I am really excited about it! Not just because I got to sit between Jess and Amanda, with Jaclyn on the other side of her (and all of us missing Abby who couldn't make it to the first class), but also because of the content of this particular class: Cross Cultural Ministries. I've almost read the entire book already...trust me, it's a short book. And also being back in class means I get to see most of the SWI Mafia at least once a week, guaranteed. Now that is something to which I can look forward!
Read through the Bible. Really, I realized just how much I choose to read other books instead of the Bible. I am completely ashamed of this and definitely need some encouragement and accountability to ensure I actually dig into the Word before reading other words.
Continue to think through our family traditions. I am determined to begin something involving trying new foods from other cultures. I recently acquired the Usborne Children's World Cookbook
Communicate with our family (and friends) more. Well, I've talked to my mum and my sister and that's about it. It's so easy to write something on someone's wall on facebook and assume you're a good friend for it. We're not exactly talking about deep, intimate friendship here...but I did do our family email update, which is better than nothing. I apologize to my girls, as I haven't sent them an email (or called most of them) in months. I will make a special note to work on this month ladies!
Build up our emergency fund. We're still focusing on car payments, but we definitely need to start making sure we've got enough for Isaac's tuition and fees for the spring semester, so we'll be building that up as soon as we can.
Make a huge dent in our car loan. We made a huge payment this month and we.are.so.close. We have definitely accomplished our goal of making a 'huge dent', and in just a few months, should be able to move onto making as huge a dent as possible in our student loans (queue funeral music here).
Cut our grocery bill. Okay, I don't keep track anymore. I mean, I know how much I spend when I do my once-a-month-please-kill-me-because-I-hate-grocery-shopping trip, but I'm really bad about keeping track of when I go to the store to buy snacks for community group or the ingredients for spatze because I simply must drink some that day. But I am trying to be better about at least making the meals which I put on my meal plan...so maybe all is not in vain?
Develop a consistent and workable cleaning schedule. Aside from our spare bedroom and the 'alcove' which is full of items for the yard sale in late September, the house has stayed pretty nice. We tend to let everything accumulate in the spare bedroom, especially if it's not so clean to begin with (excuse me for placing a preposition at the end of a sentence...ugh, that makes me want to vomit). But since we have a house guest arriving later this week who would probably prefer to sleep on the bed and not the floor, I am definitely going to be cleaning the spare bedroom pronto. Basically, the room is full of stuff that just needs to go...as in, go to the yard sale and be.gone.
Read 30 books. I have completely lost track of how many I've read, but it is definitely over thirty. I think I finished four or five this month, but they were all pretty short. Even though I've met this particular goal, I've still got some books on my Reading List which I would really like to get to this year. Hopefully I'll be able to do so. I may be able to take a stay-cation with some of my remaining vacation time, and you best believe I will be reading to my heart's content if it works out!
Scrapbook. I've lost all motivation. Some of my friends have gotten together to scrapbook and I've either been unable to go or did not want to drag out my hecka-heavy bag and admit to being as far behind as I actually am. However, I have got to make some cards (birthday, anniversary, wedding, etc) soon because I'm getting a bit low on supplies.
Continue blogging. Okay, just look over there (to the right) and see my archives. Are you not proud of me?!?! This is the most I've ever blogged in a month- e.v.e.r. I'm not saying this will become a regularity here, but I am most proud of myself for this abundant blogginess. And I was even sure to read and comment on other blogs. So I would say this was a goal accomplished this month!
And stay tuned: Would You Like To Know Wednesday will return next week!
You did do really really great with your blogging (I even got a comment or two!) =)
I can just hear your voice when I read these updates. They always make me smile. I'll be in class tomorrow night!
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