But beware, this adorable little creature is not your friend this year. Yet again, the famous (or shall I say infamous?) Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow after emerging from his stump at Gobbler's Knob, thus predicting six more weeks of winter. Now, I'm not one to be skeptical of the prognostication abilities of an adorable, albeit oversized, rodent who caused Bill Murphy's character to learn a few life lessons in the early 90s movie Groundhog Day, but this guy... ahem...groundhog has been in this business since 1887 and has seen his shadow ninety-seven times. Ninety-seven out of one 112? Come on, Phil. That has got to be statistically improbable.
Phil is pushing his luck. If he keeps this up, instead of celebrating him every second of February, I think it's high time we tar and feather him.
So this is hard to admit, but the other day I just found out from Eric that it's not real. I was kind of upset at first...but then it made sense :) Please don't make fun!
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