Sunday, January 25, 2009

Slumdog and Starbucks

Isaac and I went to see Slumdog Millionaire on Friday night at the RagTag. Go see it- seriously, it's a wonderful movie. It's the story of a young man, Jamal, from the slums of Mumbai who goes on India's 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?' and does surprising well for an uneducated 'slumdog.' Several people assume he must have cheated somehow, and when the show breaks for the night, he is on his way to winning the 20 million rupees. As he leaves the studio, he is sent to an investigator who probes him, trying to determine how he cheated. Jamal then continues to tell how it was that he knew the answers. I won't go into further detail, but it really was a well-done movie. Acting, directing, screenplay- all wonderful. Isaac's boss grew up in India, and the movie really resonated with him as well. Oh and PS- I loved the soundtrack. Absolutely loved it. On Saturday, my wonderful husband used some of his iTunes gift card to purchase the soundtrack. It's really a great score, and hey, I enjoy Bollywood songs as much as the next person.

My post about our trip is coming soon, but in the meantime...for some reason, I really like this Starbucks ("Starbuck-us" for those of you in the ME) commercial.

1 comment:

Isaac Johnson said...

I'm loving the new look for the blog! Thanks for being my date to the movies. :)