Saturday, January 17, 2009

I was on Al Jazeera television!

Really, I was...

So, I know. I'm a wretched blogger, but no one has complained about my all three of you who actually read this should let me know that you actually like to read what I write.

I'm currently recovering from jet lag and an extremely long day of traveling yesterday. I plan on posting more about our amazing trip to the Middle East soon (after I load some of the photo and perhaps video highlights), but for now, I just wanted to let you know that we're home...and freezing here. Please, take me back to the desert!

I know this list may be a little late, but here are some goals for 2009:

1. Join the 5 am club
2. Read 30 books (yeah, I've read six so far...)
3. Read through the Bible
4. Call my grandparents once a week
5. Write more (as suggested by my husband)
6. Be a better blogger
7. Get Jen to agree to moving to Louisville
8. Catch up on all my scrapbooking and other projects
9. Work on the book with Senad (see number 5)
10. Floss more

I promise to update soon, but for now, it's back to laundry and unpacking and not thinking about work on Monday...


Isaac Johnson said...

Those are some good goals. I hope I can encourage you to fulfill them!

erin said...

Al Jazeera, seriously? And you really do need to blog more because I didn't even know you were going to the Middle East!

Are you planning to move to Louisville, or do you just want your friend to?

I've only read 2 chapters of a book. Teaching has sucked the intellect right out of me, ironically enough.

Lauren Murrell said...

Hey - I read your blog :) I want to see pictures from your trip - post soon!

Tiffany said...

what's the 5 am club?