Most people know of Beverly Lewis's stories of the Amish community. I've enjoyed all of her books I've read; they are often more than just a simple fictional story. As you read her books, you begin to understand more about the Amish Order, its traditions, and the reason for their way of life. Indeed, you might just find yourself being convicted of your worldliness at some point- I know I've felt that way more than once when reading about a people who place little value in the things of this world. Yes, the Amish still have possessions and probably work hard so that they can have certain material items, but you don't see them rushing out to buy the latest fad in clothing or toys or whatever the category may be (probably because they aren't tempted by the television and other advertising). I'm not saying the Amish way of life is perfect, but I do think we can learn some valuable lessons from them.
The Amish and other Anabaptist groups have treasured the same book of prayers since it was first written in 1708.
Die Ernsthafte Christenpflicht
(Prayer Book for Earnest Christians) served as inspiration in both times of peace and persecution; the book has remained unchanged since its first printing.
Amish Prayers
, compiled by Beverly Lewis, is an English translation from the original German. The book is divided into several different sections, including "Prayers for a New Day", "Prayers of Repentance", and "Prayers for Strength". There is something profoundly spiritual and connecting to pray specific prayers which have been prayed for centuries by countless believers. In an all too often hurried world, these prayers remind us to slow down, to truly mediate on the Scriptures, and to focus on God and his provision in our lives.
Das Vaterunser
Unser Vater in dem Himmel!
Dein Name werde geheiliget.
Dein Reich komme.
Dein Wille geschehe auf Erden wie im Himmel.
Unser täglich Brot gib uns heute.
Und vergib uns unsere Schulden,
wie wir unsern Schuldigern vergeben.
Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung,
sondern erlöse uns von dem Übel.
Denn dein ist das Reich und die Kraft
und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit.
-Matthaeus 6:9-13 (Luther 1545)
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
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