Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Would You Like To Know...

...what is in my desk drawer at work?  Some of the following items are sure to be found in my top left hand drawer throughout the week:

The Happy World of Haribo: the best gummy candies of all time- specifically, Haribo Frogs

My favourite tea (I also adore Twinnings Irish Breakfast as well): perfect anytime of day

Chocolate, as in good chocolate.  As in, most likely not American chocolate

Before you chortle, I will have you know this drawer is very necessary not only for my survival, but also for the survival of several other coworkers.  Notice the (over) abundance of chocolate, sugar, and caffeine.  Does this say anything about my job?

Also, please know that I do have a toothbrush, toothpaste, and even floss in my drawer as well.  Yes, friends, I take my tea, chocolate, and dental hygiene very seriously.

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