Monday, October 18, 2010

New Music Monday

As I've mentioned before, in order for our house to enjoy quality entertainment, my husband typically finds the good music for us, while I determine the best shows on the telly (we both, of course, locate the good reading).  But for once, I have found the good music before he did.  This is a triumph indeed!

Mt. Desolation releases their album in the UK today; it will be available in the States tomorrow (and yes, I pre-ordered the CD, thanks to Amazon).  I discovered this fun new band a few weeks ago, and in my mind, their music has been alternating with the glorious Mumford and Sons and the beauty of The Swell Season.  Mt. Desolation is the side project of Keane's Time Rice-Oxley and Jesse Quinn; for the project, they enlisted the help of several of their friends for some of the songs, including Ronnie Vannucci of The Killers and 'Country' Winston Marshall of none other than my beloved Mumford and Sons.

I think it's necessary you read an excerpt of how this journey began before you get to hear the resulting amazing music.  Here is the gripping tale, taken straight from Mt. Desolation's website:

Those who have visited Dublin will know that sipping Guinness by a fire in a nice old pub while it's chucking it down outside is one of life's great pleasures.  It's also, as you can probably imagine, the perfect setting for eagerly hatching wild ideas and schemes.  And so on one such blustery and cold night in September two friends, Time Rice-Oxley and Jesse Quinn decided (whilst in wildly animated conversation about music and probably also well on their way to needing a taxi home) that they would make a country album.  As with so many ideas that come about on a belly full of Jameson's, in the cold light of day it did not seem like such a good plan.  Two English men trying to sing like Hank Williams was definitely a recipe for disaster.  The whole idea was forgotten about in the time it took to recover from the headache that morning.  But the headache was to return...

I'm going to show you the official videos found on Mt. Desolation's website.  You can find other amateur clips floating around YouTube, but for the most part, the quality of those videos really aren't that great.  Here are two strikingly different songs for you to enjoy:

1 comment:

Tracie Nall said...

I really want to comment on the music. Really I do.

But my eyes are too sad at the lack of wedding pictures.

And I have to warn you....I will resort to kidnapping Isaac if they don't show up. You have been warned!