Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Missouri Wedding

A few weeks ago, the three amigos (i.e. Jen, Isaac, and myself) took a short road trip out to Missouri for the wedding of Emily, affectionately known as 'E. Scott' (because sometimes, there are just too many Emilys to not be differentiated by last name), to her groom Eric.  Emily asked Jen and me to be candle lighters for the ceremony, and of course we took that as an excuse to spend a ridiculous amount of hours shopping for black dresses and cracking jokes about how many different ways we could burn down the church while performing our duty.  We did not, in fact, burn down the church (although it was touch-and-go when our fancy-schmancy candle-lighters went out as we walked down the aisle and then again when we were dropping small flames onto the carpet beneath us, but those stories are for a different time).

Here are some lovely images from the day (and please forgive my obsession with my godson, who is obviously the most precious child alive):

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