Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cheese-Chasing Chucked?

You've probably heard the news by now...the annual cheese-chasing event held in Gloucestershire was cancelled this year due to safety concerns.  Cancelled?  How utterly depressing!  But fear not, friends...the event was chucked not because chasing a round of Double Gloucester cheese down a near-vertical grass "slope" (as so advertised by the event's official website; apparently, forty-five degrees is not considered a freakin' steep hill in the town of Brockworth) is dangerous; no, it was cancelled because organizers were concerned too large of a crowd would show up for the activities.  The setting of this wacky and amusing tradition apparently cannot contain the estimated 15,000 individuals who want to witness the blessed chasing of the cheese, and organizers have long encouraged spectators to view the chase from their local pub on the telly.  Still, several hundred people turned up this year for an unofficial race, and there are plans for Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake to make a come-back in late May of 2011.  Curious about competing?  Read about it here.  Actually, even if you're not curious about competing, you should still click on the link.  I recommend watching the video below from a previous year's chase, and then going to the link.  It just might brighten your day.  Cheerio!

1 comment:

elmosoccers said...

Where does this happen in the US? I totally want to chase the cheese.