Monday, March 15, 2010

The Ides of March

Ever since high school, I've looked forward to the Ides of March.  Though we never were out of school because of the Ides, there was still a festivity in the air when March 15th rolled around.  You didn't even have to be in Ms. McAferty's Latin class to enjoy the day (although it was much better if you were).  Though I don't attend toga parties anymore (but hmm...maybe I should host one next year) and most people I'm in contact with on a daily basis couldn't care a bit about that fateful day Julius Caesar was stabbed (Et tu, Brute?), something won't let me forget the feelings of nostalgia that well up halfway through the month.

I have an interesting tradition for the Ides of March.  I watch this movie.  Most of you have never heard of it, but oh, it was a childhood classic for me.  I had honestly forgotten it existed until a few years ago when I saw the DVD on sale at Wal-Mart.  I am pretty sure I literally squealed in the middle of the store before calling my mom to tell her the good news (and yes, the movie is also now a part of her DVD collection).  Of course, I promptly purchased the DVD and watched it that night.  At any rate, I like to watch The Last Unicorn on the Ides (for whatever reason I started doing this, I'm not sure).  Sometimes I even put my hair in pigtails and snuggle with my Little Foot from The Land Before Time.  It's nostalgic, you see.  The Ides, a childhood movie and stuffed animals.  And for those glorious 93 minutes, I actually feel like I am six years old again (in a good way). 

And oh yes, imagine my joy last fall when I discovered my coworker not only knew of the movie, but loved it (and also owns it).  We discuss its merits on a regular basis.  Today, in fact, we tried to describe the intensity and beauty of it to another coworker for at least twenty minutes.  And then we found this...and started crying.  Seriously, the music is hauntingly beautiful.  Especially for a childrens' movie!

In other non-nostalgic-Ides-of-March news, I would like to announce the winners of the What's in the Bible? giveaway:

Liz from Straight Up...Now Tell Me and
Jessica from Reflections of a Princess

Liz, since you commented first, I'll send you the certificate for the first episode.  Jess, I'll give you the certificate for the second episode when I see you this week.  Congratulations friends!

Now, go watch The Last Unicorn...and beware the Ides of March!!!


Jessica said...

Oh yeah...I'm a winner!

The ides of March is also my sister/brother-in-law's anniversary. Joe's bro was a history major and choose a date we'd remember.

Liz Hooper Brookhart said...

woot woot I love be a winner instead of a weiner :) love ya

Tracie Nall said...

How have I not heard of this have been holding out on me for many years my friend!

Happy Ides of March! (a day late because I'm behind like that!)