You'll remember a few weeks ago, I mentioned my belief that I should have been born in Britain, in part due to my love of British humor. When I read the Jeeves books, I realize how wonderful it would be to say, "Yes, yes you know that Wodehouse bloke? Well, he and I both hail from Surrey. Wonderful, yes? Cheerio!" I like Wodehouse's work because it is so light, enjoyable, and just down-right funny. I literally laugh out loud when reading just about any story centering around Bertie and Jeeves, and I often find particular scenes so amusing that I must read them aloud to whomever is sitting in the same room as me (consider this fair warning if you are ever in the same room as me while I'm enjoying a Wodehouse book). The great thing about these stories is that if I'm not having too happy of a day, I opt for these light-hearted stories and find myself chirping up quite a bit. They provide a great pick-me-up for the bad days and enhance the good days. So if you're in the mood for some quality reading, but don't necessarily feel as if you could handle anything too heavy at the moment, run to your local library and pick up any Jeeves book- you don't have to read them in order- and then sit back, relax, and allow yourself to be entertained by the characters created by the masterful P.G. Wodehouse. I guarantee you'll be returning to the library for more of Bertie and Jeeves!
Girl I love you and your British loving ways (because I have them too) but you are going to explode my book budget!! Just saying'!
What does "explode my book budget" mean? I go to the friggin' library...I haven't bought a book for myself in quite a while...
Spiffy! A good jeeves book always hits the spot.
Those of us with libraries, borrow.....those of us without, buy.
This is what I mean....or I borrow from friends, but none of my "in-town" friends share the love for all things British that you and I have, so they are no help in this area.
You don't have a library??? Oh my love, I am so sorry...
I know!!! The closest one to us is about 45 minutes away and in a really bad part of town.....and it is smaller than the Lucia M Tryon branch in Pensacola (if you can even imagine that!!!)
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