“Justice denied anywhere diminishes justice everywhere.” – MLK JR.
It doesn't take long to become aware of vast array of injustice in our society today. With access to information that came with the 21st century (search 'injustice' in Google and you get 18,500,000 results), it becomes easy to grow numb to the pain that exists in our world.
When confronted with these experiences, we are faced with the decision to respond or carry on as if nothing has changed. Responding in love requires sacrifice, faith, and usually a step outside of our kingdom of comfort & safety. However, I would make the argument that not responding is the most dangerous thing we can do. Lack of response produces complacency, apathy, and laziness. Give me a choice of the two, and the latter is what scares me most.
"It's time for 'us' to say that 'they' matter and together, 'we' can be a part of bringing hope to those who need it."
This is the quote from Spendyourself's newest partner, Life In Abundance International.
What is most striking about this organization is the true partnerships that they have formed in Kenya. Rather than developing a sense of dependence or approaching a situation with an attitude of superiority, they truly work alongside those that they wish to empower.
In January of 2008, post-election violence erupted throughout Kenya's urban centers. Particularly affected was a city known as Kisumu. In addition to this, HIV/AIDS has devastated both families and entire cities in parallel. For almost twenty years, Life in Abundance International has been responding to this crisis in Kisumu with a wholistic and sustainable approach.
To support these efforts, Spendyourself's latest project, the 'Kisumu project', will be supporting the work done with AIDS orphans in the Nyalenda slum.
Read more about LIA's pioneer approach and see the shirts here:

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