Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ryan + Melissa

The wedding season has officially begun! Even though attending numerous weddings in a year can be tiring (and expensive), I still love going to weddings. It's always fun to see how the ceremony and reception reflect the bride and groom's personalities and values. Truly, you can determine a good deal about a person by how they have chosen to celebrate their marriage. I've been to many, many weddings over the years, and the thing I look forward to the most remains the same. My favorite part of the wedding? It happens right when the bride walks in. No, I don't swivel my head in order to catch a glimpse of the lovely bride as most people do; I look at him, at the groom, to see the expression on his face as he sees his bride walking towards him. That look, my friends, is what moves me to tears each and every time.

Yesterday, Isaac and I had the privilege of attending the wedding of two of the greatest people on this earth (not an exaggeration). Ryan (who was the DJ at our wedding reception) and Mel's wedding was one of the most God-honoring events I have witnessed and ranks as quite possibly the best wedding ever (after mine, that is). I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for this couple! Ryan and Melissa, may your marriage glorify the Lord and demonstrate the love of Christ. Here are some shots from the beautiful ceremony and the amazingly fun reception:

Next up: This Saturday, I go to Jackson to see India's wedding, and Isaac travels to Louisville to watch Christina become Mrs. Smith!

1 comment:

erin said...

Hey, did you need to stay at my place the night of India's wedding? We have a dog who can be slightly intimidating, but you are more than welcome to our guest bed and bath. We'll keep the pooch at bay. :)