Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Was Brave Last Week...

...and got my hair cut. Most of you know that I am an absolute complete weeny when it comes to cutting my hair. No, I'm not exaggerating. Usually when I get my hair cut, this is my spiel to whomever is cutting my hair: "Well, I'm lazy, you see, and I don't like to fix my hair- at all. I want to be able to get out of the shower, blow dry it, and leave the house. I also want to be able to pull it into a ponytail to get it out of the way during work. I usually come to work with my hair down and leave with it up. My hair is really flat, too. It doesn't hold curl, crimp, or even a stay straight with a straightening iron. It does the opposite of what you want it to do. I hate putting products in my hair. I don't even like hairspray, so cut it in a way that I don't have to use any type of product, because as I mentioned before I'm lazy- especially about my hair."

I know, I know. It's ridiculous, really. I mean, it's hair for crying out loud! So...last week, I went it to my fabulous hair stylist (I think it's weird to consider me as having a "stylist") Liz at Green Meadows Hair Company and said, "Well..I haven't been here in almost a year since you know how lazy I am about my hair. do whatever you want." Her draw dropped open. Now, she was delicate with me, telling me exactly what she thought would look good and telling me, "Don't be afraid of product, Jenny. It's okay." So I went along with what she said, and this is the result:



jen said...

superhot. seriously! way to conquer your hair product fears. i have them as well, but am slowly overcoming...

erin said...

That cut is really flattering on you!! I like it!

How do you feel about it? Are you becoming friends with hair products? Do you miss your ponytail?

Isaac Johnson said...

And for the record, the hubs gives it two thumbs up!

Addie W said...

Jenny, I love it!!! You look so adorable with short hair :) Ya, when I cut my hair differently a little while back I took the plunge into the hair products. It's a growing bond :)

Jessica said...

wow girl! its great and very professional :) I think it does a ton for you, seriously.

way to take the plunge :)

glenna marshall said...

cute, cute!