Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm so sorry...

Really. It's not that I don't have anything to write about, it's just that this time of year becomes mass chaos for our office. We view September as a form of Armageddon for resettlement agencies. If we can make it through the end of the federal fiscal year, the Hallejuahs start bursting forth.

Last year, they told us to expect 51 refugees. We got 79. Forty of those arrived in the last three weeks in September. This year, they told us to expect 90. We have already received 45, are getting four tomorrow night (read: another 11:45 pm flight arrival; why do they do this to these people? They're already exhausted...), and have already verified 68 others to be received by the end of the fiscal year, now three months and one week away. Hmmm.....45 and 4 and 68 does not equal 90. It equals 117. One hundred seventeen people to resettle... one hundred seventeen individuals with different stories, experiences, and cultures... one hundred seventeen souls to help adjust to a new life after seeing immunerable horrors...

Sometimes, I get overwhelmed.

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ -Matthew 25:40

1 comment:

Isaac Johnson said...

I'm constantly encouraged by the work that you do daily. Galatians 6:9