Really. I am exhausted. Since April 23rd, I have driven through the following states: Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, and Arkansas (that's 20 percent of the nation!) and spent a ridiculous 55 hours in the car. I think I'll walk everywhere from now on.
I did allow myself a "mental health day" yesterday, and I must say, it was quite refreshing. I slept, read a few books, did the laundry, and tried to recover from our momentous journey to Florida. Here's the run-down:
We left Columbia Thursday evening and spent the night in Sikeston with Isaac's parents. Friday morning, we drove to Jackson, where we picked up my cousin Beth. She's a freshman at Union, and while we were waiting for her to get out of class, I got to visit some of my favorite Union employees. We first surprised Ms. Juanita, a lady I worked with my freshman year and who took me out to lunch each year on my birthday. Actually, when I moved to Missouri, she sent me money on my birthday to go out to eat. She is one of the sweetest and most genuine people I know. We next surprised Dr. J, who was working in his displaced office. The entire School of Christian Studies had been relocated to another building because of the damage in Jennings caused by the tornado in February. As many of you know, I am borderline obsessed with this man. He was after all, my professor, advisor, employer, pastor, small group leader, and surrogate father during my years at Union. He is one of the most ridiculously silly men I know, but also one of the smartest and awesome as well. He's always ready to bring a little "somthin' somthin'" as he puts it. He also generously gave us a few books off of his shelf, something which has almost become a tradition when I stop by and visit him. Our final visit was to see Ms. Wanda, whose son actually filmed our wedding. I also worked with Ms. Wanda my freshman year, and while in her office, I also got to see the "post office ladies." These two women become vital to Union students, as you find yourself begging them to give you good mail. After hugs all around, we picked up Beth and headed home to the fun that awaited us.
Saturday, my most awesome mother earned her doctorate in education. I have honestly never been more proud of her, which is pretty hard because I'm always proud of her. I don't mean to brag, but I seriously have the best mom ever. Just ask any of my friends. They all love her. I mean, not as much as I do, and they love their own mothers too, but she is without a doubt the coolest. In fact, one of her aliases is "MTM," meaning "Mom the Magnificent." This started out as a joke, but has more or less become her identity over the years. You know about that old adage that you become your parents? Well, I don't mind it one bit when people tell me I'm just like my mother. In fact, it makes me rather happy. She's my hero, lame as it may sound, but true nonetheless. We also can't overlook the fact that I look exactly like her anyway (she being the prettier of the two), so even if I didn't want to claim her, no one would believe me that we're not related.
As proof of my mom's unadulterated awesomeness:

Dr. Mom!

Erik, Mom, Jenny

The whole gang at her graduation.
We also celebrated my grandmother's 80th birthday on Saturday! Her birthday is actually in April, but since the entire family (minus my cousin Michael, who was as usual playing about a gazillon gigs with his band) was in Pensacola, we had the birthday celebration then. It was a relaxed affair, but it is always good when the family is together. I love my family. A lot. And as I've mentioned before, I most definitely have the cutest grandparents in the whole wide world.
"We always thank God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the that you have for all the saints." Colossians 1:3-4
I can't believe I'm not one of your favorite Union employees! ;)
I love what you said about your mom! I hope she reads your blog because it is so sweet and touching.
I'm pretty glad that drive is over, but it was definitely worth it!
LOVE THE HOOD, mom!!! Jenny, so glad to read your blog.
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