Monday, October 25, 2010

Voices Behind the Veil

Yet again, I've slipped into posting way too many video clips recently.  The autumn months tend to be the busiest for me- not just because of all the holiday preparations approaching- but because of the continuously-expanding list of reports and service plans at work.  So while I apologize for my lack of creativity (not that my posts are particularly creative in the first place) in recent days, I'm not offering any promises of it improving any time soon.  But for now, I have an actual book review-not a video- for you.

Voices Behind the Veil claims to explain women's experience with the religion of Islam.  The book is edited by one of the authors of a book I finished a few months ago: Unveiling Islam.  Each of the chapters is written by a different woman; some chapters discuss the history of Islam while other chapters deal with more practical and daily living for women of the Islamic faith.

Honestly, the book was not all that helpful.  Most of the information found in the book is not new information to most people, and it's definitely not worth purchasing the book just for that.  In addition, I felt the same way as I did about Unveiling Islam; the tone throughout the book was pretty negative and derogatory.  I've read and heard more details about Ergun Mehmet Caner (the editor of this particular book and one of the authors of Unveiling Islam), and I don't think that I will be reading any other books which he authors.  While I don't recommend this book on the whole, there were some parts that were wonderfully written and expressed.  My favourite few lines:

"Until we stop being casual Christians, Muslim women will never know Jesus.  Until we are broken for the lost, Muslim women will continue to die in their sins.  Until we grieve as Jesus did for His lost children, we are ignoring the greatest opportunity God has ever afforded us- to share Jesus's love with a world that is listening.  Until we can look into our Savior's eyes and realize that He died for Muslim women as well as for us, we will never see the depth of his love."

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