For accountability’s sake, I first discussed my goals with my husband a while back. I plan to post my goals somewhere around our home so that I actually see them and am reminded of my commitment on a daily basis. I also went into further detail this year so you can hold me accountable. The Lord has been speaking to me about transparency- as in, it's a good thing.
So, without further ado:
Become a faithful member of the 5 am club. If you're not familiar with this concept, check out GirlTalk's explanation. These lovely ladies also discuss the club in their book Shopping for Time. I was a member on random occasions in 2009, but I truly want to be a faithful member. Five in the morning may seem a bit early, but if I start my day at that time, I will be able to spend some good time in the Word, go for a run or workout, do whatever prep work is necessary for dinner that evening, and pray with my husband before I head out the door to work. This semester, Isaac has a class at 7:00 in the morning most days, so he might be joining me in this journey as well.
Memorize 52 verses. That averages out to one a week. Isaac introduced me to the verse pack concept, but a few months ago, I came across this system. I liked it because of the focus on memorizing Scripture as a family, and so I decided to implement this method in addition to using my verse pack. I'm going to go over the verses at breakfast (and yes, when we are blessed with children, I'll go over these verses with them) and then also carry my verse pack with me throughout the day. Isaac encourages me to learn Scripture together with him as a family; we feel that making it a point to learn Scripture together as a family is important.
Memorize (the first half of) the book of James. This is in addition to the 52 verses; some people may think that it's overkill, but really James is chalk full of good things! Last September, Mrs. Mohler quoted the entire first chapter to us at one of Pendergraph's meetings. She had it down. I've wanted to do something like this for a while- I've just never had the courage to be held accountable for here you go, feel free to ask me at any point during 2010 (and for years after that) how my memorization of James is going. Isaac agreed to do this with me.
Continue in the SWI program. This is kind of a no-brainer because I love this program. The courses are six weeks in length and cover a variety of topics. I just completed Discipleship I and II with Mrs. Moore. Next term, I am taking Leadership I and II; most of the girls who were in my Discipleship class are taking it as well. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone in class on Thursday nights and learning not only from the teacher, but from the other students as well. And oh, in case you were wondering, our discipleship group is the best group ever. I'm obsessed with them.
Read through the entire Bible. Honestly, I'm not sure if I've ever accomplished this in a single year. I've read through the Bible a few times in my life, but as to how long it took me to accomplish this task, I have no idea. It's a good goal to have, right?
Continue to think through our family traditions. Over the past few years, we've developed quite a bit of family traditions; we are trying to be intentional about our traditions. When we have children, we want our traditions to be meaningful and to especially point our family toward the Gospel. I feel like we have excellent traditions at Christmas and are developing good ones for Easter. I'd like to incorporate the Jewish holidays into some things as well. I've done Passover Seders before and would love to host one in 2010. What are some of your family traditions- not just for holidays- that you might suggest?
Communicate with our family (and friends) more. A few months ago, we started sending out updates to our family via email. I've moved around a lot, and so have our friends, so our dear ones are scattered near and far. I've done a pretty good job of emailing family and friends on a fairly consistent basis, but I am going to begin calling my grandparents once a week. I'm also thinking about calling other family members on some sort of rotating schedule (in addition to spontaneous phone calls I'm known for). Family is incredibly important to me, and it's important to communicate with them.
Build up our emergency fund. We know the importance of having an emergency fund, because we lived off of ours when we first moved to Louisville. We are making conscious decisions to live well below our means in order to pay down our loans (student loans and a car loan-see below) as well as pay for Isaac's seminary tuition without taking out anymore loans. We cut back on other expenditures, such as going out to eat or to the movies. We still try to have a date night once a week, but that often involves free things, such as me making homemade pizza, playing board games, going on walks, or getting a movie from either the library or from redbox (usually free with a promotional code- and if no code works, it's only a dollar! Oh, how I love thee, redbox). And oh yeah, we're going to try something pretty intense very soon. More to come on that...
Make a huge dent in our car loan. We've always paid more than the minimum, but we decided to pay the loan off as early as possible. We're not naive enough to think we can do this by December 2010, but our goal is no later than June 2011 (our original loan maturity date was April 2013).
Cut our grocery bill. I only just started using coupons a few months ago. My method is a little different from other 'couponistas' because I try to avoid going to the store as much as possible. Whereas they go to multiple stores and save money, I know that just by going into a store, I'm more likely to spend money. I'm trying to simply do one big shopping trip once a month (or less than once a month, since I'm not a big fan of grocery shopping unless it's only for things like cookies and chocolates) and then supplement the once-a-month-trip with either weekly or bi-weekly trips to our local Kroger or Aldi's for milk and produce. If anyone had any ideas, me.
Develop a consistent and workable cleaning schedule. Seriously. I am horrible about this. If our house isn't completely perfect, then its one huge disaster or vice versa. I think I will try the 'clean one room a day' method and see how that goes. Again, if you have any ideas, feel free to offer advice. I just don't want to spend every single Saturday cleaning all morning...
Read 30 books (with at least 7 being from my list of 100). Yes, I know I overshot my goal with this number last year, but I am planning on spending some of my typical reading time pursuing other activities (namely, Scripture memory) and feel that 30 is a good number for which to shoot. I want to be able to enjoy the books at my leisure, not have to feel this pressure to read, read, read...okay, I don't think it's very possible for me to feel pressured into reading because it's one of my all-time favorite activities, but you get the idea.
Scrapbook. I have so many projects going on right now, it's ridiculous. I did manage to complete quite a few scrapbooks this year, but the vast majority of them were for Christmas presents. While I love creating scrapbooks and other crafts to give as our Christmas presents, I also need to be more consistent in keeping up-to-date with our family scrapbooks. Here is what I'm shooting for this year: 2008 and 2009, our wedding and honeymoon (um...I told you I was little behind), and a special Christmas scrapbook. Those are ones I want to finish, and I also want to stay up to date with 2010. I think it's a rather lofty goal, but we'll see what happens. I am considering implementing 'Scrapbook Saturdays' once a month; if you'd like to join me, feel free.
Continue blogging and expand my blogging repertoire. This is one where I need your help: what do you want to see me blogging about? I plan to continue reviewing books and sharing our focus of the month, but I need some ideas from you all. Maybe I should do what Erin did and have an "Ask Me Anything" day?
I don't think my list is too long for 2010. Most of these things are not very time-consuming if I would carve out a little bit of time each day, week, or month to complete the task. Some of these goals may also seem rather small, perhaps not even worth mentioning, but I've found that if I just make a mental note of something I'm planning to do, rarely does it get accomplished.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
A Belated Christmas Present
What you are about to see is quite possibly the most awesome and amazing video ever created. Please watch it. All of it. Consider it my gift to you.
You're welcome.
You're welcome.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Our Home During Christmastide
We decorated several weeks ago, but I thought you might like to see what our home looks like this year. The pictures are a bit blurry because I lost the camera cord to our better digital camera. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy the glimpse into our home during this wonderful and meaningful season.

Our Advent wreath. We love participating in this tradition, both as a church and as a family.
Christmas cards from friends and family above our Advent calendar.
A closer view of the amazing Advent calendar my mom made for us. We add another 'character' each day; I really look forward to doing this when we have children.
Of course, our house would not be complete without books...
This is our Jesus Tree. Each day of the month of December, we pull out an ornament from the Advent box beside the tree; each ornament has a different name or attribute of Jesus with a Scripture reference. We read the verse together as a family and hang the ornament on the tree. This is another tradition I love now, but am really excited to practice it when we have children.
The start of my Willow Tree Nativity set...
My stocking with our Jesus tree in the background; we each have matching stockings that coordinate with our treeskirt.
Part of our tree skirt; my mom made it for us, and it is simply the most beautiful tree skirt you will ever see.
Our tree! It's blurry, but at least you can see how many lights are on it!
This is our nativity set that was carved out of olivewood in Bethlehem by Palestinian Christians. A company works with them and sends them back all the profits from the sales in the United States and through their website. We also have a few ornaments they carved as well. It is beautiful in person.
Merry Christmas!!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The White Horse King

Though Merkle does discuss Alfred's childhood briefly, the bulk of the book focuses on Alfred's near constant fight to defend his kingdom from the plundering of the Vikings. The Northmen had been pillaging the poorly defended English towns for decades, but the activity rose to a height during Alfred's childhood and into his reign as king of Wessex. Eventually, the vast majority of his resources and attention was focused on determining a feasible way for the citizens of Wessex to effectively defend their homes. He developed a professional standing army, a rather new concept to the people of his kingdom; he took advantage of the Roman roads which still remained so that troops could more quickly travel to the site of a battle; he ordered villages to build defenses around the city limits. Perhaps most importantly was that when the time for battle came, Alfred fought with his people. In a day when we can most easily send our troops to fight battles far away without so much as a second thought, the idea of the king leading his faithful men into battle strikes a chord with me and speaks to the days of chivalry and true nobility. It was through Alfred's efforts and determined leadership that the island nation was eventually able to rid themselves of the invaders from the north in all finality.
Once this feat was accomplished, Alfred turned his attentions to other important needs within his kingdom; his focus became education reform. Though the people spoke in the vernacular of the Anglo-Saxon language, most written work was Latin, and the people, including the nobility, of Alfred's time were unable to read and write in either language. He deemed literacy a requirement for the noblemen to hold their titles and property and mandated education for all free men. Eventually, he translated several works from Latin into the vernacular so that the whole of the nation would be able to read the works- and not just those who had studied enough to understand the Latin language.
It is obvious the author knew his subject material extremely well; I was very impressed with how much information was packed into the short book. Even though I felt the writing was a bit slow at times, I learned several fascinating facts not only about Alfred the Great, but about the Vikings and Romans as well. Perhaps my favorite little tidbit of knowledge came when the author explained the origin of the word berserk. But I won't tell you- you'll just have to read the book to find out.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I Don't Like American Idol
It's true. The show annoys me more than just about anything else on TV, and I thought this show would be the same way- especially when I saw Nick Lachey walk out onto stage as the host. I decided to give it a shot since Ben Folds himself was one of the judges, and surely he wouldn't sign on for something stupid.
I watched part of the first show and really liked the first group to perform, but soon lost interest and turned it off; I had it on again last night so I could listen to it while I was baking some Christmas goodies, but when Nick announced Nota was about to sing, I rushed into the living room to watch it. Now, I'm borderline obsessed. Seriously. I've been humming Nota-like music in my head all day. I hope they win because I am totally buying their CD if they do. I love how they integrate their Latino flavor into each song they perform, and I cannot help but smile when I watch them on the show.
Puerto Ricans singing a capella? Yes please.
I watched part of the first show and really liked the first group to perform, but soon lost interest and turned it off; I had it on again last night so I could listen to it while I was baking some Christmas goodies, but when Nick announced Nota was about to sing, I rushed into the living room to watch it. Now, I'm borderline obsessed. Seriously. I've been humming Nota-like music in my head all day. I hope they win because I am totally buying their CD if they do. I love how they integrate their Latino flavor into each song they perform, and I cannot help but smile when I watch them on the show.
Puerto Ricans singing a capella? Yes please.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Farewell 2009...
This year has been quite adventure, complete with both highs and lows. I've learned a great deal throughout the year and quite a bit about myself as well. I don't want to bore you with a recap of the events of 2009 (and really, if you're on my Christmas card mailing list, you've already gotten my traditional card and letter), but I will tell you that the most consistent lesson for me this year was humility. A hard lesson to be sure, and one I am continually experiencing, but one that is very much necessary.
I'm sorry to say that I failed miserably in achieving the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year. I think I was only successful at two of them consistently throughout the year (I had successful spurts of nearly all of them, but lacked a good measure of consistently). My two successes? Be a better blogger (I hope you agree with me) and read at least 30 books (total count, by the way, is currently at 60 and I'm hoping to finish a couple more by the end of the year). What's sad about the achievement of these goals is that I willingly chose to pursue them over the others- which really, does flossing take up that much time that I couldn't put down a book for it once a day?
I've already written out my goals for 2010 (they are much more specific and measurable), but I'm waiting to post them because I want to give my few faithful readers a chance to process what they've learned from 2009 and determine what goals they may set for 2010. I also want my readers to be honest with me- do you know of a goal you think I should pursue in 2010? Let me know what your thoughts are.
I'm sorry to say that I failed miserably in achieving the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year. I think I was only successful at two of them consistently throughout the year (I had successful spurts of nearly all of them, but lacked a good measure of consistently). My two successes? Be a better blogger (I hope you agree with me) and read at least 30 books (total count, by the way, is currently at 60 and I'm hoping to finish a couple more by the end of the year). What's sad about the achievement of these goals is that I willingly chose to pursue them over the others- which really, does flossing take up that much time that I couldn't put down a book for it once a day?
I've already written out my goals for 2010 (they are much more specific and measurable), but I'm waiting to post them because I want to give my few faithful readers a chance to process what they've learned from 2009 and determine what goals they may set for 2010. I also want my readers to be honest with me- do you know of a goal you think I should pursue in 2010? Let me know what your thoughts are.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The Best Christmas Song...Ever
I realized I never completed my Advent series last year culminating in the revelation of my all-time favorite Christmas song. My profound apologies to those of you who have been waiting an entire year for this announcement! Growing up, this particular song was played frequently in our home during the Christmas season simply because it was on one of my mother's favorite Christmas albums. There are many different versions of this song, and some even alter the lyrics a tad. However, my favorite version is sung by this group. And don't you dare make fun of me for loving this group...
I simply love the lyrics of this song; the truth they speak stirs my heart. Honestly, I listen to the song year-round (when my husband lets me, that is). So, without further ado, here is my most-favorite Christmas song.
O Come O Come Emmanuel
O come O come Emmanuel
and ransom captive Israel
that mourns in lonely exile here-
until the Son of God appear.
O come now Dayspring, come and cheer
our spirits by Thine advent here.
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night
and death's dark shadows put to flight.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come Thou Wisdom from on high
and order all things far and nigh.
To us the the path of knowledge show
and cause us in her ways to go.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come Desire of nations, bind
in One the hearts of all mankind.
Bid now our sad divisions cease
and be Thyself our King of Peace!
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.
Amen. Come, Emmanuel, come.
I simply love the lyrics of this song; the truth they speak stirs my heart. Honestly, I listen to the song year-round (when my husband lets me, that is). So, without further ado, here is my most-favorite Christmas song.
O Come O Come Emmanuel
O come O come Emmanuel
and ransom captive Israel
that mourns in lonely exile here-
until the Son of God appear.
O come now Dayspring, come and cheer
our spirits by Thine advent here.
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night
and death's dark shadows put to flight.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come Thou Wisdom from on high
and order all things far and nigh.
To us the the path of knowledge show
and cause us in her ways to go.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come Desire of nations, bind
in One the hearts of all mankind.
Bid now our sad divisions cease
and be Thyself our King of Peace!
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.
Amen. Come, Emmanuel, come.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The 2010 Reading List
I don't normally make a reading list, but I thought it might be a fun to try it this year and see how it plays out. There are several books I've been waiting to read for quite a while, but somehow, I always end up picking up something different; perhaps if I compiled a reading list and put it out there for the world to see, I would be more diligent in reading those books I've had on my shelf for far too long now.
Each year, I try to read a good variety of books, including fiction, classic literature, historical, biography/memoirs, children's and young adult lit, as well as other non-fiction. Though I'm not always consistent and successful in this endeavor to read and to read widely, I do try to do so, and I'm always open to suggestions, so if you have any books you'd like to see added to my reading list, let me know and I'll be sure to see what I can do. I'm especially lacking in some young adult literature books for the year because adding the entire American Girls collection to my list is way too tempting.
For now, here's what I've got. I usually read more than the number I've listed (I know, I'm a complete nerd), but I wanted to be rather flexible and to leave room for Thomas Nelson review books, required reading for class, and any new releases I just can't resist.
Fiction (most of the following are found on the list of 100 or the BBC Big Read; I am shocked I haven't already read some of these)
The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy
Bleak House by Charles Dickens
Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernieres
A Prayer For Owen Meany by John Irving
What is the What by Dave Eggers
The Poet of Baghdad by Jo Tatchell
George Mueller: Delighted in God by Roger Steer
Schindler's List by Thomas Keneally
First They Killed My Father by Luong Ung
To The Golden Shore: The Life of Adoniram Judson by Courtney Anderson
When Broken Glass Floats: Growing Up Under the Khmer Rouge by Chanrithy Him
The Fate of Africa by Martin Meredith
Unveiling Islam by Ergun Mehmet Caner and Emir Fethi Caner
A Problem From Hell: America and the Age of Genocide by Samantha Power
Righteous Gentiles of the Holocaust by David Gushee
Voices Behind the Veil by Ergun Mehmet Caner, ed.
Children/Youth Lit.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by JK Rowling
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling
Big Truths for Young Hearts by Bruce Ware
Humility by C.J. Mahaney
Adopted for Life by Russell Moore
The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life by Hannah Whitall Smith
Death by Love by Mark Driscoll
So, there you have it, folks. I hope I will be able to read all of them; since I've never made an official reading list for the year, I am a bit intimidated. Of course, I am hoping for some additional suggestions from you, faithful readers, and I plan to continue the Thomas Nelson book blogging review program as well. And since I'm still working off of the list of 100 and the top 100 from the BBC's Big Read, I should never be in want for a book to read!
What's on your reading list for 2010?
Each year, I try to read a good variety of books, including fiction, classic literature, historical, biography/memoirs, children's and young adult lit, as well as other non-fiction. Though I'm not always consistent and successful in this endeavor to read and to read widely, I do try to do so, and I'm always open to suggestions, so if you have any books you'd like to see added to my reading list, let me know and I'll be sure to see what I can do. I'm especially lacking in some young adult literature books for the year because adding the entire American Girls collection to my list is way too tempting.
For now, here's what I've got. I usually read more than the number I've listed (I know, I'm a complete nerd), but I wanted to be rather flexible and to leave room for Thomas Nelson review books, required reading for class, and any new releases I just can't resist.
Fiction (most of the following are found on the list of 100 or the BBC Big Read; I am shocked I haven't already read some of these)
To The Golden Shore: The Life of Adoniram Judson by Courtney Anderson
The Fate of Africa by Martin Meredith
Children/Youth Lit.
Humility by C.J. Mahaney
The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life by Hannah Whitall Smith
Death by Love by Mark Driscoll
So, there you have it, folks. I hope I will be able to read all of them; since I've never made an official reading list for the year, I am a bit intimidated. Of course, I am hoping for some additional suggestions from you, faithful readers, and I plan to continue the Thomas Nelson book blogging review program as well. And since I'm still working off of the list of 100 and the top 100 from the BBC's Big Read, I should never be in want for a book to read!
What's on your reading list for 2010?
Monday, December 7, 2009
Hunting Eichmann

I think the reason why more people don't choose to read historical accounts is because they find them boring. Whether it's the subject or the writing style that doesn't appeal to the reader, historical accounts (including biographies and memoirs) are often left on the shelf. Our current society's neglect of these books is quite sad because there are many treasures to be found in such books.
One such treasure is Hunting Eichmann, which recounts the story of how Adolf Eichmann, one of the masterminds to the Nazi ‘Final Solution of the Jewish Question’, escapes Europe after the end of the Second World War, emigrating to Argentina with the help of the underground Nazi network in both Europe and South America and indeed, with the help of the Argentine government itself. At the same time, this extremely well-researched book details the actions of several different Nazi hunters (both independent individuals and others connected to various different governments) and the newly-developed Israeli spy agency, the Mossad, in their determination to locate Nazi criminals of war hiding throughout the world in order to bring them to justice. When Eichmann's whereabouts in Argentina were determined, another challenge was presented to the Mossad team, as the Argentine government would never hand over Eichmann (Argentina had a large German population, and many of the country sympathized with the Nazi party), and removing Eichmann from Argentina would definitely end in immense political tension, at the very least.
I learned in school that many former Nazis, many of them high-ranking officers who played an integral role in the Third Reich's regime, had fled Europe and escaped a war crimes tribunal. However, my textbooks didn't delve further into the discussion; they simply moved on to the Cold War and McCarthyism. Hunting Eichmann does an absolutely terrific job of relating the factual events of what happened after one such individual escaped a trial and avoided justice. The book reads like a spy thriller and even though the reader knows the outcome from the very beginning, she still finds hereslf on the edge of her seat, drawn into this drama that was reality for all the players involved.
One of the greatest assets to this book is not only the sheer volume of research Bascomb conducted and compiled and the excellent faithfulness to the historical data, but also how Bascomb is able to address the emotions and humanity of the individuals involved in the hunt and capture of the Nazi who had sent so many people, including family members of the team, to their death. The Mossad operatives found themselves facing the challenging issue of having to remain in the same house as Eichmann for several days while hiding him in Argentina until it was safe to flee the country; though he had already been captured, this was truly the most intense part of the book, as the operatives wrestled with Eichmann's horrific past deeds in the war and his current frail and obedient form. Even upon returning to Israel, the operatives continued to deal with these issues, which were only compounded by the fact that their role in apprehending Eichmann must remain a secret.
It was the epilogue that finally brought out the tears. One of the operative's sisters had died because of a direct order from Eichmann, and it was only at their mother's death several years later that the operative was finally able to reveal his true role in the capture of one of the world's most notorious Nazis. One of Eichmann’s sons had been born several years after the end of World War II and grew up knowing nothing of his father’s involvement in the slaughter of thousands upon thousands of people; imagining his difficulty reconciling that realization to his childhood was difficult for me and reinforced the importance of creating a godly and strong legacy for our children and grandchildren.
This has been one of my favorite books I have read so far this year. I highly recommend it and congratulate the author on writing this book, which is bound to become a classic. Don't be surprised if it makes it to 'Required Reading' lists for high school and college students sometime in the near future.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Crazy Christmas Lights
It should come as no surprise to you that I love the Christmas season. Any of you who know my mother can easily determine her most decided influence over my feelings and approach to all things Christmas. For those of you who aren't blessed enough to know my mother...well, you can just ask the people who have been to her house during the Christmas season (which, incidentally, begins slowly on the first weekend of October and builds to the crescendo the day after Thanksgiving).
It's tradition to put on our pajamas on Christmas Eve (or as close a day to it as possible, since we're sometimes traveling then), bring some blankets and hot cocoa, and hop into the car to drive around and look at Christmas lights. We're looking forward to doing this in Louisville, so if you know of the 'hot spots' for Christmas lights, please let me know. What I'd really like to see this year is something like this.
How would you like to be this guy's neighbor?
It's tradition to put on our pajamas on Christmas Eve (or as close a day to it as possible, since we're sometimes traveling then), bring some blankets and hot cocoa, and hop into the car to drive around and look at Christmas lights. We're looking forward to doing this in Louisville, so if you know of the 'hot spots' for Christmas lights, please let me know. What I'd really like to see this year is something like this.
How would you like to be this guy's neighbor?
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
December's Focus: Mocha Club
Throughout December, our family's focus of the month is Mocha Club, a unique organization helping to support various projects in Africa. Mocha Club defines itself as "an online community of people giving up the cost of 2 mochas a month – or $7 – to fund relief and development projects in Africa." Currently, Mocha Club focuses on five main areas: Clean Water; Education; Child Mothers and Women At Risk; Orphan Care and Vulnerable Children; and HIV/AIDS and Healthcare.
Mocha Club members pledge seven dollars- the cost of two mochas- a month to help sustain these development projects in Africa. You can also donate on a one-time basis as well. The Mocha Club website has a great FAQ section; one of the questions is "How far does seven dollars go in Africa?" The answer is pretty powerful:
Seven dollars in Africa can:
SUSTAIN life for 1 person living with AIDS.
PROVIDE clean water to 7 Africans for 1 year.
SAVE 1 person's life from malaria.
Kind of difficult to wrap your brain around that bit of information, isn't it? When you donate to Mocha Club, you get to pick which programs your money will support. When I clicked on the tab to give to an emergency need, some of the information amazed me. Did you know that Kenya is experiencing its worst drought in ten years? Because of the draught, there is a shortage of food; just seventeen dollars can provide sustenance for a family in the Kitui region for three months. Anti-Retroviral (ARV) medication is used to fight HIV/AIDS (AIDS is a retrovirus), but often times the cost of these drugs prohibit individuals from attaining them. From my research in graduate school, I learned that in the United States, the average cost of a year's supply of ARV drugs is between $5,000 and $10,000 dollars. Fortunately, pharmaceutical companies began offering discounts to several African nations, and the cost per person per year was driven down to $1,000. Still, that amount is greater than some nations' gross domestic product; how can any of their population therefore afford the live-saving medicine they need? I believe that recently, it is now possible to attain the medicine for a much-reduced rate. Through Mocha Club, just five dollars will provide ARV treatment for one person for one month in Ghana. Did you know that just one dollar will provide clean water to one African for an entire year? We know that lack of clean water kills more people every day than any other cause. Imagine what our pocket change could do for people living without access to clean water. Mocha Club is also serving refugees and survivors of genocide. Ten dollars will provide a mosquito net to refugees from Northern Uganda and Sudan in order to prevent the spread of malaria. The final emergency need Mocha Club is supporting is former child soldiers of Northern Uganda. These women and their children need medication to treat malaria; five dollars will provide the needed medicine.
Wow. Who would have thought that so little can do so much? Understanding just how far our money can go really puts the entire issue into perspective, and we can think and act more globally.
In light of yesterday being World AIDS Day, we decided that our donation should help to provide ARV treatment to individuals living in Ghana with HIV. It is truly amazing to realize that by donating such a small amount, you are keeping someone alive and helping to provide a better quality life for that individual.
Despite all the incredible work Mocha Club is involved in throughout Africa, what I like best about the organization is their approach and understanding of Africa. This video explains it all.
Mocha Club members pledge seven dollars- the cost of two mochas- a month to help sustain these development projects in Africa. You can also donate on a one-time basis as well. The Mocha Club website has a great FAQ section; one of the questions is "How far does seven dollars go in Africa?" The answer is pretty powerful:
Seven dollars in Africa can:
SUSTAIN life for 1 person living with AIDS.
PROVIDE clean water to 7 Africans for 1 year.
SAVE 1 person's life from malaria.
Kind of difficult to wrap your brain around that bit of information, isn't it? When you donate to Mocha Club, you get to pick which programs your money will support. When I clicked on the tab to give to an emergency need, some of the information amazed me. Did you know that Kenya is experiencing its worst drought in ten years? Because of the draught, there is a shortage of food; just seventeen dollars can provide sustenance for a family in the Kitui region for three months. Anti-Retroviral (ARV) medication is used to fight HIV/AIDS (AIDS is a retrovirus), but often times the cost of these drugs prohibit individuals from attaining them. From my research in graduate school, I learned that in the United States, the average cost of a year's supply of ARV drugs is between $5,000 and $10,000 dollars. Fortunately, pharmaceutical companies began offering discounts to several African nations, and the cost per person per year was driven down to $1,000. Still, that amount is greater than some nations' gross domestic product; how can any of their population therefore afford the live-saving medicine they need? I believe that recently, it is now possible to attain the medicine for a much-reduced rate. Through Mocha Club, just five dollars will provide ARV treatment for one person for one month in Ghana. Did you know that just one dollar will provide clean water to one African for an entire year? We know that lack of clean water kills more people every day than any other cause. Imagine what our pocket change could do for people living without access to clean water. Mocha Club is also serving refugees and survivors of genocide. Ten dollars will provide a mosquito net to refugees from Northern Uganda and Sudan in order to prevent the spread of malaria. The final emergency need Mocha Club is supporting is former child soldiers of Northern Uganda. These women and their children need medication to treat malaria; five dollars will provide the needed medicine.
Wow. Who would have thought that so little can do so much? Understanding just how far our money can go really puts the entire issue into perspective, and we can think and act more globally.
In light of yesterday being World AIDS Day, we decided that our donation should help to provide ARV treatment to individuals living in Ghana with HIV. It is truly amazing to realize that by donating such a small amount, you are keeping someone alive and helping to provide a better quality life for that individual.
Despite all the incredible work Mocha Club is involved in throughout Africa, what I like best about the organization is their approach and understanding of Africa. This video explains it all.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
World AIDS Day
Today is World AIDS Day, marking the 21st annual event created to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS. This year, the theme of World AIDS Day is Universal Access and Human Rights. UNAIDS, the branch of the United Nations dealing with the AIDS issue, has an excellent interactive map concerning the status of universal access throughout the world. Check it out here.
With the recent news of a HIV vaccine offering promising results and new HIV infections down 17 percent over an eight year period, we may be tempted to think HIV and AIDS are not issues about which should cause us concern. But the truth is, HIV/AIDS is still a global concern.
Did you know that in 2008, there was more than 33 million people worldwide living with HIV? Of those 33 million, just over two million were children under the age of fifteen. More than two million people died from HIV-related causes in 2008. What is sad is that, unlike many other diseases and physical ailments, HIV/AIDS is preventable. Many people throughout the world, however, lack accurate information about how the disease is spread. In addition, the stigma associated with the disease prevents many people from seeking testing and medical services; specifically in many African communities, the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS is so severe that individuals refuse to enter an AIDS clinic, even if testing is free, because of the negative reactions they will encounter in their community if seen entering an AIDS clinic. While there are new HIV/AIDS intervention programs developing all the time, it is important to realize the importance of cultural competency when designing and implementing these programs in the diverse cultures across the globe.
If you want to learn more about the history of the AIDS pandemic, I suggest reading Randy Shilts' book, And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic. Shilts' well-researched book details the AIDS pandemic from the beginning to 1987, when the book was published. HBO produced a movie based on Shilts' book; this film is incredibly moving. The movie was produced in the early 1990s- a time when AIDS was still a extremely controversial issue. However, HBO was able to create a masterful documentary, and several famous actors and entertainers, including Steve Martin, Anjelica Houston, Richard Gere, Phil Collins, and Alan Alda signed on for roles in the film. At the end of the movie, there is a photo montage depicting several individuals and families who have been affected by HIV/AIDS, many of them losing their lives to the disease. You might be surprised to see some of the famous faces in this short montage.
With the recent news of a HIV vaccine offering promising results and new HIV infections down 17 percent over an eight year period, we may be tempted to think HIV and AIDS are not issues about which should cause us concern. But the truth is, HIV/AIDS is still a global concern.
Did you know that in 2008, there was more than 33 million people worldwide living with HIV? Of those 33 million, just over two million were children under the age of fifteen. More than two million people died from HIV-related causes in 2008. What is sad is that, unlike many other diseases and physical ailments, HIV/AIDS is preventable. Many people throughout the world, however, lack accurate information about how the disease is spread. In addition, the stigma associated with the disease prevents many people from seeking testing and medical services; specifically in many African communities, the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS is so severe that individuals refuse to enter an AIDS clinic, even if testing is free, because of the negative reactions they will encounter in their community if seen entering an AIDS clinic. While there are new HIV/AIDS intervention programs developing all the time, it is important to realize the importance of cultural competency when designing and implementing these programs in the diverse cultures across the globe.
If you want to learn more about the history of the AIDS pandemic, I suggest reading Randy Shilts' book, And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic. Shilts' well-researched book details the AIDS pandemic from the beginning to 1987, when the book was published. HBO produced a movie based on Shilts' book; this film is incredibly moving. The movie was produced in the early 1990s- a time when AIDS was still a extremely controversial issue. However, HBO was able to create a masterful documentary, and several famous actors and entertainers, including Steve Martin, Anjelica Houston, Richard Gere, Phil Collins, and Alan Alda signed on for roles in the film. At the end of the movie, there is a photo montage depicting several individuals and families who have been affected by HIV/AIDS, many of them losing their lives to the disease. You might be surprised to see some of the famous faces in this short montage.
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